“Rent a Researcher” is an opportunity to meet researches in an interesting, engaging and approachable way: a number of Italian scholars are available for one-to-one meetings with a limited number of PhD candidates and young academics for exchange and tutoring activities.
Matteo Basso (1986), a licensed urban and regional planner, Ph.D in regional planning and public policy, is associate professor of Urban and regional planning. Within the field of urban studies his research interests broadly refer to the analysis of urban and territorial transformations, and the design of urban and spatial policies. He teaches at Iuav and the Venice International University.
He is member of the Iuav school of doctoral studies’ board, and of the urban and regional planning and policy track’s scientific committee. He has been visiting scholar at the University of Westminster, London and the College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University, Shanghai, and was awarded with the XII edition of the "Giovanni Ferraro" Italian National Award for doctoral dissertations in urban and spatial planning.
Languages: Italian and English
Keywords: land-use changes, planning processes, urban and regional transformations,
Michele Campagna (Msc Civil Engineering, PhD Planning Support Systems) is full professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, University of Cagliari, where he teaches spatial planning, geodesign, and GIScience in the curricula of Architecture and of Engineering (Bsc, Msc, PhD). Authors of over 130 publications, his main research interests concern the innovation of digital technologies in spatial planning and design, including geodesign, Metaplanning, Planning Support Systems, authoritative and volunteered geographic information, and Spatial data Infrastructures. On these subjects he delivered invited key-notes, lectures and seminars in Brazil, France, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, and United States of America. He is member of the International Geodesign Collaboration, and coordinator of the AESOP Thematic Group New Technologies and Planning
Languages: Italian and English (and very little Spanish, French, Portuguese and Greek)
Keywords: communicative plannign, geodesign, new techonology in planning, planning support systems,
Giancarlo Cotella is associate professor at Politecnico di Torino. His research positions in the field of comparative spatial planning studies, and in particular on the comparison of territorial governance of spatial planning systems in Europe and beyond. He devoted particular attention to the exploration of the mutual influence between European Union and domestic territorial governance and spatial planning, and of the resulting mechanisms of Europeanization. Through the years, the geographical scope of his research has interested Central and Eastern European Countries, the Western Balkan Region, but also Japan and Latin America. His work borrows from the toolbox of new institutionalism, and in particular sociological/discursive institutionalism, historical institutionalism, and actor-centred institutionalism. Giancarlo participated to a high number of international research projects on the above matters, among which it is worth to mention ESPON SUPER, ESPON URRUC, ESPON COMPASS, ESPON ReSSI, MILESECURE-2050, ESPON TANGO, ESPON Smart-Ist, LisGo, ESPON 2.3.2 Governance, ESPON 2.3.1 ESDP. He taught and researched in Germany, Poland, Estonia, United Kingdom, France, Greece, Turkey and Japan, and published widely in the international scientific literature. He’s actively involved in the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) since 2005, first as a member of the AESOP Executive Committee and now as national representative for Italy
Languages: Italian, English and Polish
Keywords: comparative spatial planning systems research, europeanization, new institutionalism,
Luciano De Bonis is Associated professor at Università del Molise
Languages: Italian and English
Architect, PhD in Urban Planning and researcher at the CNR since 2001, she is Senior Researcher (2010) and member of the Scientific Board of IRISS since 2015. She developed research activities since 1994 in national and international universities and in 2000 started coordinating research groups and projects regarding heritage-led urban regeneration, multicultural city, urban safety and security, cohesion policies for territorial balancing. She is visiting scholar in European and USA universities and collaborates with several international research institutions. Since 2010 she is member of the AESOP TG Public Space and Urban Culture in which she has been coordinator (2015-2019) and is currently member of the Advisory Board. Dissemination and exploitation activities have been developed through: books and journal articles, editor and reviewer activities, conferences: as organizer, chair, scientific committee and keynote. She is member of the Managing Board of the Italian Scientific Society of Urban Planners (SIU) in which she coordinates the Thematic Group on Marginalized and In-between areas.
Among others teaching activities, she is developing academic courses in Italian universities since 1996 and internationally, since 2012, within IRSES Marie Curie projects, PhD courses and international summer schools. She is member of the Academic Board of the International Doctorate Programme Urban Regeneration and Economic Development. Is 2013 she has been granted by the Ministry of University and Education of the Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale as Associate Professor in Urban Planning.
Languages: English, Italian
Keywords: democracy, futures, ideology,
Umberto Janin Rivolin is full professor of spatial planning at the Politecnico di Torino, where he coordinated the inter-university Ph.D. programme in Urban and regional development. His recent works concern the systems of spatial governance and planning, in an epistemological, comparative and technological perspective. He is a member of the editorial board of the international journals European Planning Studies and European Journal of Spatial Development.
Languages: Italian, English and French
Keywords: europeanization, institutional technologies, territorial governance and spatial planning systems,
Filippo Magni (1985), Urban planner, PhD in Planning and Public Policies for the Territory at the Iuav University of Venice, Master's Degree in Planning at Iuav with double title of International Master in Estudios Territorials i de la Poblaciò issued by the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB). He is currently assistant professor (RTDa) in Urban Planning (ICAR / 20) where he teaches in the courses of Fundamentals of urban planning and Spatial Planning and Design for Climate Change. He is coordinator of the technical unit of the INTERREG MED 2014 – 2020 projects “COEVOLVE, LIFE “MASTER ADAPT” and INTERREG Italia-Croatia “ADRIADAPT”. Since 2011 he has been actively collaborating with various research groups operating at national level on issues related to territorial resilience, including Iuav Planning Climate Change Lab of which he is a senior member, the Young Planner Ectp-ceu network and the RESILIENCE LAB of the Politecnico di Milano. Since September 2019 he has also been associate researcher for the Eni Enrico Mattei Foundation.
His research focuses on the need to redesign urban planning tools and policies through the study of governance and public policy orientation systems, recognized as the main vectors capable of directing urban development towards resilience to climate change.
Languages: Italian and English
Keywords: spatial planning, climate change and climate proof design & planning, energy and environmental planning, coastal zone management, policy design for tourism sustainability, policies for landscape management,
Camilla Perrone is an associate professor of urban and Regional Planning at the University of Florence, where she teaches Urban Policy and Spatial Strategic Planning. Her concurrent appointments include Founding Director of the Research Lab of Critical Planning and Design, member of the Executive Committee of department of Architecture at UNIFI. In 2015, she has obtained the abilitation as full professor under the National Italian System. In the past ten years she has been visiting professor (W3 level) at: Universität Tübingen; Westminster University of London, NOVA University of Lisbon; Stanford University (Florence campus); City Futures Research Center, UNSW in Sydney. Previously, she was visiting fellow at York University in Toronto.
Her current fields of interest cover the following areas of work: contemporary extended urbanisation within critical planning and design framework; institutional strategic spatial planning and design for resilience, inclusivity, and climate change; urban diversity and interactive design; social, spatial and environmental justice; interdisciplinary urban and environmental studies, research methodology.
She coordinates research groups in competitive research projects and third-party projects on contemporary urban and suburban transformations, urban diversity and spatial injustice, urban policies, strategic multiscalar planning, governance of regions and metropolitan areas, participatory planning. She is Past-President of the Scientific Committee of the National Study Center for Urban Policies (Urban@it). She serves on the Executive Board of the Association of European Planning Schools and the Italian Society of Urban Planners (SIU). She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Giovanni Michelucci Foundation (Florence).
Languages: Italian and English
Keywords: diversity, regional urbanisation, urban governance,
Barbara Pizzo is associate professor in Urban Planning at Sapienza University of Rome. She works mainly at the interface between planning theory and practice, with a critical orientation. Her interests are in the processes of socio-spatial structuration, the relationships between spatial planning and socio-economic changes, politics and policies. She works in interdisciplinary research groups and networks, where planning is considered together with policy analysis, political economy and ecology, so that keeping together the ‘How’ with the ‘Why’ of urban transformation processes progressively became a distinct feature of her research and teaching approach.
Languages: Italian and English
Laura Saija is an associate professor in City and Regional Planning at the University of Catania, Italy. She has previously worked as assistant professor for the City and Regional Planning Department at the University of Memphis, TN (USA), where she had previously served as a EU-funded Marie Curie Global Research Fellow. Her main research interest is on the theory and the practice of Engaged scholarship, with a focus on action-research, in the field of Community Environmental Planning. She has worked on the role played by research in promoting more-than-human development in long-term lagging regions, characterized by long-term power inequalities. She is currently working on the relationship between planning and civic organizing in contemporary Europe.
Languages: Italian and English
Keywords: action-research, circular economy, planning theory,
Iacopo Zetti is associate professor of Urban and regional planning at the University of Florence.
Master degree in architecture in 1994 and PhD in Urban, territorial and environmental His research activity covers several fields, as: GIS and cartography as knowledge instruments for urban planning; the participation of inhabitants to the urban project and to planning policies; re-use and rehabilitation of marginal spaces and in-between areas; photography as a tool for urban survey.
He is currently the coordinator of a research team for the H2020 EU project "PHOENIX. The rise of the citizen voices for a Green Europe" planning in 2000.
Languages: Italian and English
Davide Ponzini is a full professor of Urban Planning at Politecnico di Milano, and the director of the TAU-Lab [ http://www.tau-lab.polimi.it/ ]. He has been a visiting scholar at Yale, Johns Hopkins, Columbia University, and Sciences Po and visiting professor at TU Munich. His research activity focuses on planning theory, urban and cultural policy, architectural design and heritage preservation. Co-editor (with Harvey Molotch) of the book The New Arab Urban (New York University Press), editor of The Faces of Contemporary Cities (Rizzoli New York) and author of the book Transnational Architecture and Urbanism: Rethinking How Cities, Plan, Transform, and Learn (Routledge).
Languages: Italian and English
Marco Picone is full professor of urban geography and geopolitics at the University of Palermo, where he teaches Urban Geography, Social Geography, Participatory Practices and Geopolitics of Migrations. His research focuses mainly on urban neighbourhoods, participation for the involvement of young adults and popular geopolitics.
Languages: Italian and English (along with some French)
Maria Rosaria Stufano Melone, post-doc researcher at the Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy. Architect, degree in Venice, IUAV (2002), Phd in Science and Methods for European Cities and Territory at University of Pisa (2011). Associated to ISTC-CNR since (2022). Her research interests refer to: spatial cognition in environmental planning, memory and creativity management in urban planning, architecture and design, decision support systems, ontological analysis applied ontologies as method to manage knowledge in designing and planning processes.
Languages: Italian and English
Dr Stefania Ragozino is Researcher at the National Research Council of Italy. She is interested in the relational and systemic dimensions of urban transformative processes focusing on the public dimension of urban space and its value of spatial justice, the roles and modes of community involvement in urban care practices and decision-making processes, with a feminist perspective of the city. She has developed fieldwork in historic centres, segregated and marginalised contexts, coastlines, and brownfields, using quali-quantitative approaches ranging from Active Observation to Research-Action protocols and Stakeholder Analysis. Starting with fieldworks on issues of social emancipation related to urban issues, she deepened the themes of democracy, activism, and urban governance. Editor-in-chief of the Journal TRIA, she is also part of the core working team of the AESOP Thematic Group Public Spaces and Urban Cultures, of which she was Main Coordinator during the period 2021-2023 and currently member of the Advisory Board.
National Research Council of Italy stefania.ragozino@cnr.it